Heathrow Airport is inviting young people from the local community to sign-up for its annual jobs and careers fair in February.
The airport is expecting more than 5,000 16 to 24 year olds to attend the event, which will be held on February 11. Around 50 companies that operate at Heathrow will be representing their sectors, and intend to inspire local young people into embarking on a career at the airport. Parents and teachers can also receive advice regarding companies’ requirements from candidates.
Paula Stannett, director of Human Resources at Heathrow said, ‘The Heathrow jobs and careers fair is about supporting young people from the local area and demonstrating the wealth of job opportunities available at the airport. Parents can often benefit too by increasing their understanding of the options available to their children. It was fantastic seeing so many attendees last year and I hope that this year will be even more successful.’
Jo Bellis, resourcing and development manager at security and logistics company, Wilson James, said, ‘We are looking forward to once again participating in the Heathrow Jobs & Careers Fair. This is our second year at the event and it is a great opportunity to engage with young people from the local area about the different roles which Wilson James can offer across logistics and security at Heathrow. There was a strong turnout last year and we successfully recruited several applicants into vacancies as a result.’
One of the largest single-site employers with more than 76,500 people working at the airport, Heathrow offers a wide range of jobs, training and career opportunities. The business community around the airport includes firms involved in construction, engineering, retail, logistics, communication, planning, security and technology.
This is the seventh annual career fair organised by Heathrow and the airport has so far provided local young people with CV advice, help with interviews and career guidance.