It’s true that not all sports tour agencies are legit, and selecting the best among those that advertise the service can be demoralizing. How sure can you be that you’re barking up the right tree? You’ll need skills to land on the right service provider.
Here, we will give you pointers on how to overcome your fears. If you think you will get scammed, here are things you should do.

Top tips to use when choosing a sports tour agent
Look for certifications
Only certified sports travel agents from a reputable agency have the right to sell tickets, including travel packages. Not all travel agencies can buy and resell event tickets to any major sporting event.
All major sporting events, like the FIFA World Cup, operate under the policies and regulations of their own governing bodies. Travel agencies under the sports category undergo strict application and vetting processes to meet specific criteria.
Once they get past the process, they become official event agents. This gives them the authority to practice buying and reselling tickets. When in the U.S., you can search for agents that belong to the American Society of Travel Agents to be sure that you are dealing with the right company.
If you plan to witness the ICC World Cup, look for travel agents approved and duly authorized by the Sports Travel & Hospitality Group. The group manages the event’s official travel and tours program and chooses agents that can provide packages aside from tickets to the event.
This shows that only those considered as “official” can sell legit packages for events.
Only go to trusted websites
Always be mindful of the websites you visit. Since online ticket selling is rampant, you must be extra careful in providing your information and other personal details.
To be sure that the site you are on is recognized by the sporting event as an authorized ticket and tour package seller, click the security icon on your device’s browser. The URL must begin with HTTPS. Stop and go to the next one if you see a different thing.
You can easily go to another site for information. If you need more information, you can check more here.
Don’t fall for cheap offers
Not all cheap offers are cheap. If there is a site that offers way below what other sites propose, it could be a trap. Promotions can be too good to be true. Once tickets to a game sell out, chances are the value goes up and not down.
Avoid being scammed by gawkers who prey on innocent buyers online. There are landing pages pretending to be legit websites that can trap buyers. Other scammers even duplicate pages of websites authorized to sell anything for an event. Being extra careful is a skill you have to learn.
Choose a secure payment method
The best way to pay online is through a credit card because it is easier to trace the transaction. However, you must not provide your card number or the expiration date of the card. Some websites request these details when replying to email inquiries.
Another thing is when payment options only point to a bank transfer. Remember that paying using bank transfers does not guarantee returning your money if things go awry. You only have yourself to blame if this happens.
Deal with local sports tour providers
There’s nothing more like dealing with people you know. If you know of a local sports tour agency, visit it immediately. That’s if you still think that shaking the hand of an agent makes you more comfortable. You are not alone in this thinking.
Many sports fans regularly travel to see their favourite teams and want to meet their agent face-to-face. They feel that chatbots cannot surpass the magic of the personal touch of a live person. Recently, many agents have been working remotely, but they can pay you a visit upon demand.
Once facing each other, interview the agent about the details of the sporting event. The agent owes this to you because you are paying with hard-earned money. Pay close attention to the agent’s behaviour. Is he listening to your queries or unmindful of what you are saying?
If he answered all your questions without batting an eyelash, this is the guy you want to part your money with. An agent who is constantly twitching or uneasy shows you are talking to the wrong guy.
Ask about compensation
Some flights get delayed, and bad hotel accommodations happen. Ask the agent what they can do in case these events happen. The best answer should always be, “We can settle a fair compensation.”
Agents get compensation for bookings, tickets, and other reservation add-ons. Therefore, it is good to know that you can get yours if things fall short of your expectations. The only thing is you have to make this matter clear at the onset of your transaction.